Friday, July 30, 2010

Fun art project

Elliot & Hunter made a delightful art project for their grandpa's
birthdays, which are one month apart.

Chicago Bear's colors and the other painted with Mizzou
Tiger black and gold!

Splendid work!

Kingsway VBS

game time, catch the "bowling ball" sized water balloon!

More games, flip your shoe from foot to table in less than
60 seconds, Go Elliot!

Our lovely song leaders........!

dinner with Jay & Elliot

tie-dye craft project....great job, Parker

I met Laura Ingraham in Omaha!

After waiting 3 hours in line, Laura signed my book and she said
"Great to see you, take care" to me. Yeah!

Copy and paste the link to Omaha World Herald interview,
you'll hear my voice toward the end, no face time.

more butterflies.....

swallowtail chrysalis on stick

same one more on side of box

Julianna treats the butterfly with such care. She coached him
to fly.

Julianna and I enjoyed seeing
another swallowtail take its' first
The crazy thing wouldn't fly. Even though she offered
wonderful encouragement to it.

Cox classic youth clinic

Nationwide COX Classic PGA tour hits Omaha.

Elliot and the J boys participated in the
youth clinic. Free t-shirt and chocolate milk....mmm
it was REALLY hot.

Flying turtle ride

These picture are amazing! Our culture says teenagers are
trouble makers, selfish and dislike their siblings & parents.

Here's prove they are wrong.

Hunter at 14 years old pulls Elliot
on the flying turtle at Two Rivers campground.

What fun!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Minute to win it finale

Ding-dong stacking game, on forehead in 60 seconds or less.

Nice apron, Boomer.

She did it in less than 60 seconds. Great job, Hunter!

Julia is so good at ALL the games!

Steady, easy now got this.

Swallowtail butterfly release

Just another testimony to the awe and wonder of
our God and Creator.

We had several swallowtail eggs laid on our garden dill
this year. Plenty to share with friends. June 24 we
witnessed our first butterfly emerge
from the chrysalis.

Beautiful and inspiring

Tuesday mornings in the park

It's fun how yearly events grow and change.
We've met on Tuesday mornings at
Bent Creek park for Bible study
and fellowship time for the past
three years in June. My lovely friend,
Kirstin started
our gathering and leads the study.
As the kids
have grown up playing together we
have developed a deeper understanding
and enjoyment of God's Word.

Thank you, Kirstin.

Two are better than one, because they have a
good return for their work: I f one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls and
has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This is one of my favorite summer events.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Double rainbows, 2 days in a row

This is the view from our front porch on Wednesday, July 14th. The next night at Jazz on the Green we witnessed another double rainbow after a brief rain shower. Beautiful!

I have set my rainbow in the clouds,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ministering at the youth home

Melbert and Kara

Our team with Kiyomie.

Sonny the cutie pie, always smiling!

Very energetic Brandon with Jackie!

Ahh...the adorable innocence of these kids. Just precious.

Matthew 25:40
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Sweet baby Monica

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

We had the privilege to hold 2 day old Monica. She was at the youth home
being cared for by staff. What a delightful little girl, so perfect and sweet.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The kids

reservation neighborhoods

Hunter captured this photo. It tells the story of the Apache people. It seems
they are trapped without hope. The darkness surrounding them
is thick. This sweet little girl never ventured over to
the basketball court to join us, although we invited
her and her siblings.